The SSH is nothing but Secure
Shell which allows secure remote login from one computer to another.
We can SSH when we are facing
problems to physically access the Raspberry - Pi due to
various hardware or software reasons.
Step 1- For accessing Raspberry Pi
through SSH just connect it to a network using the on-board Ethernet port
or using a USB Wi-Fi adapter. You need to have RAspberry pi's IP address. You can also assign manual ip Address to Raspberry Pi as Access Raspberry Pi from Windows PC using Ethernet or LAN.
Step 2 - Open Putty after installing
Step 3 - Enter the IP Address
of the Pi and SSH Port (which is usually 22)
Step 4 - Select Connection
Type : SSH and Click Open
PUTTY screen
Step 5 - Click yes on the
warning window usually displayed when connecting to new devices.
PUTTY warning
Step 6- Do Login using username and password.
username: pi and
password: raspberry
Pi login screen
Now you have logged
into Raspberry Pi using ssh.
Pi terminal
Now you can manipulate files in your R-Pi operating system. :)
Also Explore below links for R&D -
Accessing Raspberry-Pi Using SSH
Accessing raspberry pi using Remote Desktop (RDP Client).
Access Raspberry Pi from Windows PC using Ethernet or LAN
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